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为了探究大学生孤独感、手机成瘾倾向和生命意义感之间的关系,采用UCLA孤独量表、大学生手机成瘾倾向量表、人生意义感问卷,选取408名大学生作为被试进行问卷调查。结果发现:(1)孤独感与手机成瘾倾向呈显著性正相关,生命意义感与手机成瘾倾向呈显著性负相关,孤独感和生命意义感相关性不显著;(2)孤独感和生命意义感都显著预测手机成瘾倾向,生命意义感在孤独感和手机成瘾倾向之间的调节效应显著,低生命意义感大学生的孤独感对手机成瘾倾向的预测力更强。因此,大学生的孤独感能正向预测手机成瘾倾向,生命意义感能调节二者之间的关系,低水平的生命意义感会加剧孤独感对手机成瘾倾向的预测作用,而高水平的生命意义感会使孤独感对手机成瘾倾向的影响较小。  相似文献   
Drawing upon the causal agency theory, this study examined the direct and indirect (via learning approaches) links between positivity and quality of college life (QCL) of business students in a transitioning market, Vietnam. Two studies were conducted to test these relationships using structural equation modeling. Findings from study 1, based on a sample of 428 business students, showed that positivity was positively related to QCL. Further, deep learning approaches mediated the relationship between positivity and QCL. Findings from study 2, based on a sample of 416 business students, reconfirmed the role of positivity in QCL. However, the indirect relationship between positivity and QCL was not significant, demonstrating that surface learning approaches did not mediate the relationship between positivity and QCL. The findings contribute to the literature on positivity in higher education by confirming the overarching role that positivity plays, directly and indirectly (via deep learning approaches), in QCL.  相似文献   
[目的/意义]为增强弱信号的内涵研究,对其全生命周期过程下的各阶段要素以及要素间的联系进行探寻,以期获得一定程度上的理论贡献,同时也为相关组织在开展弱信号管理实践时提供理论指导。[方法/过程]在对弱信号概念研究现状进行梳理的基础上,结合意义构建理论给出了弱信号概念界定。随后,通过与信息生命周期、新兴议题生命周期进行类比,提出弱信号生命周期理念。进而采用系统动态学方法开展系统思考,使用因果回路图进行系统建模,运用存量流量图进行仿真模拟。[结果/结论]弱信号生命周期包含4个阶段:侦测、关联、传递、抉择,相应的系统动态学模型所具备的现实性得到验证,且通过情景模拟确认了4个关键辅助变量:外界噪声干扰程度、弱信号分析效率、组织内相互信任程度、决策者信任程度。在整体研究的基础上,给出弱信号管理过程中可能会遇到的障碍以及应对策略。  相似文献   
目的考察适应性完美主义、自主动机对青少年锻炼坚持性的综合影响,检验父母自主支持的调节效应。方法修订父母社会背景调查问卷(家长报告)的自主支持分量表、中文Frost多维度完美主义问卷的个人标准和条理性分量表、因果控制点知觉量表和青少年户外运动坚持性量表,对2230名12~18岁青少年及其家长进行调查,分析适应性完美主义对青少年锻炼坚持性的间接影响。结果父母自主支持、青少年的适应性完美主义和自主动机对锻炼坚持性正向影响皆显著,分别解释了3.7%、30.3%和38.3%的变异;在适应性完美主义与青少年锻炼坚持性的影响链条上,自主动机的中介效应、父母自主支持的中介调节效应、性别的调节中介效应皆显著,三者共同的间接效应值为0.426,占总效应的77.45%。结论适应性完美主义既能直接影响青少年的锻炼坚持性,又能通过自主动机的中介而间接作用于锻炼坚持性;父母对青少年体育锻炼的自主支持能够对青少年的适应性完美主义和锻炼自主动机产生积极的调节作用;相较于女性青少年,男性青少年的锻炼自主动机更强烈、锻炼亦更具坚持性。  相似文献   
徐英超是"体质教育思想"的首创者,这一思想在我国学校体育发展史中具有重要的地位。运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,通过不同的视角深度剖析徐英超体质教育思想,旨在呈现徐英超体质教育思想的形成动因与内在逻辑,并挖掘体质教育思想对当前学校体育的启示。研究认为徐英超体质教育思想的成因在于反思体育的概念,内在逻辑包含3个方面:体育教学的视点应从技术传习回归身体教育,实证调研是揭示与掌握体质变化规律的关键,良好的心态与生活方式是促进体质健康的外部保障。徐英超体质教育思想的当代启示:正视增强体质与技术教学之关系;参考体测结果调整体育教学方向;建构面向生活的体育健康教育观。  相似文献   

This research adapted the Life Skills Scale for Sport (LSSS) into Portuguese and provided evidence for its construct validity. Study 1 included four translators and five academics who developed a Portuguese version of the LSSS (P-LSSS). During this study, evidence for the content and substantive aspects of construct validity was provided using an expert panel and 25 sports participants. Study 2 included 413 participants that completed the P-LSSS. Within this study, evidence for the structural aspect of construct validity was provided via factor analyses. Study 3 included 134 participants who completed the P-LSSS and a measure of motivation. This study provided evidence for the external aspect of construct validity, with results showing more self-determined motivation had positive relationships with participant’s life skills development. Overall, our findings provided evidence for the construct validity of P-LSSS scores. Researchers and practitioners can use the P-LSSS to assess life skills development within sports participants.  相似文献   
自治、法治、德治“三治合一”的乡村治理体系,为探索民间武术组织服务于乡村治理提供了新思路。在传统社会,民间武术组织以武德传承强化乡村德治机制,以门规戒约规范乡村法治秩序,以家长制参与乡村自治实践。而进入现代社会,民间武术组织服务于乡村治理面临着传统德治弱化、法治建设不完善、参与自治机制不健全三方面的困境。提出,民间武术组织要建立新的道德体系,营造乡村治理的德治氛围;加强组织治理,强化乡村治理的法治理念;深化自治实践,主动承担乡村治理职责功能,旨在为更好促进民间武术组织有效治理、推动乡村发展提供参考。  相似文献   
This article reports a 3-year case study of a primary school in England, in which a recently appointed principal attempted to build ‘collegial professional autonomy’ (Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 2 , 2015, 20) within a push to improve students’ progress and attainment. The research examined the tensions between staff who embraced the principal's agenda for collegially agreed change, and whose students’ academic progress and performance improved over a 3-year consecutive period when measured in terms of students’ entry-level attainment and socio-economic factors, and staff who asserted their right to ‘individual professional autonomy’ and whose students’ academic progress and attainment declined. The research: (i) challenges claims that reform necessarily results in school cultures of compliancy, de-professionalisation and the technicisation of teaching; (ii) raises issues concerning the pedagogical leadership of principals in a devolved, ‘self-governing’ school system; and (iii) questions teachers’ entitlements to individual professional autonomy where this is associated with students’ continuing academic underperformance.  相似文献   
目的观察12周惯性哑铃练习对轻度认知损害(MCI)老年人认知功能、身体活动能力、生活质量和睡眠质量的影响,并探讨认知改善与其他功能改变之间的关系。方法将45名MCI老年人随机分为干预组(n=22)和对照组(n=23)。干预组受试者进行惯性哑铃练习(3次/周,60 min/次,持续12周),对照组不进行运动干预。结果 12周后,干预组受试者阿尔茨海默病评定量表-认知部分(ADAS-Cog)总分/指令得分、蒙特利尔认知评估量表(MoCA)评分、起立行走计时(TUG)和SF-36健康调查问卷(SF-36)心理总得分均显著改善(均P<0.05)。与对照组相比,干预组受试者ADAS-Cog总分/单词回忆得分/注意力得分、简明精神量表(MMSE)评分、TUG和匹兹堡睡眠指数(PSQI)的改善程度均具有显著差异(P<0.05或P=0.05)。偏相关分析结果显示,SF-36心理总得分改变(r=-0.712)、PSQI改变(r=-0.380)与认知改善程度均呈显著负相关。结论 12周惯性哑铃练习可显著提高MCI老年人的认知功能,并对其移动能力、生活质量和睡眠质量具有积极影响,且心理和睡眠改变程度可能影响认知功能的改善效果。  相似文献   
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